Uganda Summer Mission Trip
Minister to Widows & Orphans​
*Update: The 2020 and the 2021 trip are canceled due to COVID-19*
May 30 - June 13, 2020
(Plus pre- and post-field stateside internship component)
​Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
– James 1:27
Christian Union and ROWAN (Rural Orphans and Widows AIDS Network) have partnered to offer students a transformative opportunity to engage with orphans and widows affected by HIV/AIDS in the rural East Ugandan village of Mawanga.
This two-week mission trip is designed to develop Christians into humble servants of Christ wherever God calls them. Students will be challenged in their understanding of servant leadership in community development and what it means to be joyful in serving and ministering to the underprivileged. There will be pre-field team training during the spring and early summer, and a two-week in-country stay (Uganda), in which students will be immersed in the village context while assisting local leaders with development projects, identifying their physical, spiritual and social needs, and discussing sustainable strategies to meet these needs within the community. Students will walk away personally and profoundly impacted by how the hope of the Gospel is able to transform.
ROWAN exists to transform orphans & widows into change agents in their communities through biblical training, economic empowerment and holistic relationships.
ROWAN’s model is to partner with other Christian organizations and together assess the quality of life of the community members, identify their physical, spiritual & social needs, and implement innovative and sustainable strategies to meet these needs within the community.
Come be a part of the story of the beautiful East Ugandan village of Mawanga, a village being revived by the Hope of the gospel of Jesus.
Description of potential opportunities for domestic portion of internship (approximately 20 hours pre and post field trip): non-profit marketing, fundraising, curriculum development, monitoring and evaluating training project, promoting and recruiting.
Responsibilities for this portion of the internship will be set after interview with Christian Union ministry faculty.
Description of opportunities during the two week international trip: village homestay, exposure to field projects, partnership development with local urban volunteers, creation and execution of a Biblical theology training curriculum and discipleship home visits with zone leaders.
Living Arrangements​:
Housing will be in a dormitory-style setting in the village, with bucket showers and ground toilet. Meals will be provided by the host pastor and his family.
Tentative Schedule​:
Day 1: Depart the US
Day 2: Arrive in Entebbe Airport, stay in Kampala with missionaries
Day 3: Exchange money in Kampala, head to the village and collect any needed supplies
Day 4-7: Village Day
Day 8: Saturday Program
Day 9-13: Village Day
Day 14: Leave the Village
Day 15: Begin journey home
A Village Day may include:
8-9am: Breakfast, Devotions
9am-1pm Visiting ROWAN families, orphans and widows for sharing and prayer; visit Savings/Loan groups (usually someone's home), working on a team project (Biblical foundations course for zone leaders, practical discipleship training; and construction projects, sports camp and/or children's programs). This will be shaped by the giftings of the students on the trip and by needs of the ministry at the time.
1-2pm Return to Pastor Paul's house for lunch
2-5:30pm Continued work and service
7-8pm Dinner
8-Bedtime Encouragement and discussion / Free time with Pastor Paul and the ROWAN staff. This time might include worship, prayer, storytelling, sharing testimonies, games and fellowship.​
Flight Information:
Trip participants will fly into Entebbe International Airport. It is located near the town of Entebbe, on the shores of Lake Victoria, and about 35 km (21 miles) from the capital, Kampala.
Internship Requirements:
1. Submit ROWAN application with deposit by 4/1/20
to the trip leader
2. Interview with Christian Union Staff Member
3. Meet/talk with previous team member
4. Meet all financial deadlines
5. Define personalized internship parameters with
Christian Union staff
6. Log domestic hours/tasks for pre/post trip
7. Fulfill reading assignments, including When Helping
Hurts (Fikkert, Corbett)
8. Purchase international travel insurance, obtain
immunizations (more details to be provided by trip
9. Upon return, promote trip to future CU students
10. Complete feedback survey
Cost and Deadlines:
Total: $3300*
Total covers flight, food and lodging in country, visa, project funding, and safari. Students responsible for personal travel insurance, shots, malaria medicines. This total is an estimate, plane ticket prices (for example) could fluctuate.
TO APPLY: Click here.
LEADERS: The trip will be led by Christian Union ministry faculty.​
We will update this page as more details for the trip become available.
In the small village of Mawanga there is a family of believers and leaders in Christ with whom I developed a bond of love and confidence that is unequaled elsewhere. What the organization of ROWAN is doing there is so blessed and full of the spirit, you can really feel the Lord at work and be a part of the ongoing practical change and help they bring to their people.
– Renee Drago, Cornell ‘16
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“During my time in Mawanga, God revealed to me how truly involved he is in his creation. He gave me true understanding of the verse, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things [clothes, shelter, etc. as referred to earlier in the passage] will be provided for you." I witnessed how God controls all things, including our money and our food, and he provides for us when we cry out to him.”
– Rachel Lawrie, Princeton ‘15